Thursday, 5 September 2019

3 Reasons Why you Should Use an App for Load Inspection

load inspection
Freight handling is a challenging task. From checking the weight of the load to looking at the number of orders delivered, you have to look at a lot of things. In such a situation, there is a chance that you look at the orders and commit an error in the load inspection. To deal with this scenario, it is important for you to use an app to monitor the weight and the inflow and the outflow of the load from the place as it will help you to keep a track of your orders.

To help you make an informed decision about using the app, here is a list of some of the reasons you should know about.

1. Substantial Proof

 First things first, using an app for managing the loading and unloading process in your warehouse can provide you a substantial proof. This means that you will be able to keep a record of all the orders that are loaded. In case, there is a problem with the handling of orders, you can furnish proof of your duty and know that the job is done right. All you have to do is to use the app with ease and project the information as and when needed.

2. Accurate Information

Moving further, you can use the app for freight handling as it will help you gather accurate information about the loading processes. This means that in case there is a mismatch between the number of orders in the document and the orders delivered, then you can use the app to solve the situation. All you need to do is to use the information recorded on the app and notify the concerned parties about the situation. You can then perform your tasks with ease.

3. Location Tagging

Lastly, you should use an app for freight handling as it will enable you to use it for location tagging purposes. This means that you will be able to track the location of the order and the load and where it is transported. As a result, you will have the information needed for tracking all the items and materials. Therefore to ensure that all the orders where you have been delivered on time, you can provide the gather details.

In case, you need load items and ID verification, you should use the app to get all your tasks done without any hassles.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Freight Damage Claim - Best Practices to Avoid Complications

Filing for freight damage has its set of complications that make it challenging for shippers. Following the best practices during a freight claim can help avoid hassles and ensure a seamless process.

Freight Claims Best Practices

Whether the freight damage is a result of an accident or loss of freight, considering these practices can save you time and hassles:

●Act immediately
●Get driver testimonial
●File an incident report with the police
●Take photos of the damage ( Incorporate mobile condition reporting software for easily accessible records)
●Obtain video footage of the damage, if possible.
●Don’t let the driver leave until all the above is fulfilled.

Note: If you file a report without any proof of damage, you may not be able to file for transit damages and get the compensation for your loss. This is why experts recommend using a mobile condition reporting software to document the damage.

In case of cargo damage involving contamination, water damage, crushing and others, always:

●Inspect freight for irregularities while the driver is on site
●Inform the seller immediately about the damage
●Denote detailed damage on the bill of lading (BOL)
●Sign BOL only after the damage has been included in the paperwork
●Take clear photos of the damage while the driver is on-site
●Provide the driver with a copy of BOL prepared.

Bottom Line

Recovering freight damage doesn’t have to be cumbersome, provided you know the best practices to follow. It’s always better to incorporate a mobile condition reporting software to be one the safer side.